I have a confession to make. I love Stuart Woods. I'm enough of a book snob to be a little ashamed of this but I'm enough of a book fan to not really care. I like a good, fast-paced, fun read every once in a while and because I was sick, Woods' newest book came across my desk at the perfect time.
It's like a running joke in the Stone Barrington books; he's going to sleep with multiple women throughout the story and EVERY woman he meets is quite the nymphomaniac.
Woman meets Stone. Woman drops trou. The End.
However, the stories are fast-paced, a little predictable but humorous and a great escape. It's just what the doctor ordered.

I've seen a lot of book bloggers talking about this YA series. I thought it might be something our Children's Librarian would be interested in ordering so I did an InterLibrary Loan for the first book. The Children's Librarian read it first and she liked it A LOT so I read it next. I was so sick last week that this was a great book to get lost in. It takes place in the Manhattan social scene of 1899; high society and all the secrets you can ask for. Author, Anna Godberson does a wonderful job describing the beautiful dresses and costumes of the day. I could just close my eyes and picture the luxurious fabrics and colors.
This is exactly the book I would have loved as a teen....although I'm far from being a teenager, I still enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it so much that I ran to my local library and checked out the next two books in the series.
I finished Rumors in a day and it totally kept me interested all the way up until the SUPER surprise ending.
I wanted to read the third book, Envy, today but I left it at home! I guess I'll have to work for a living today.
I love books that make instantly run out and get the next in the series, if there is one. I will get these eventually. Good reviews.
Thanks Jenny. The Luxe books are just a good fun read.
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