Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Or is it crazyness? I never know and I'm too lazy to google.

So, I missed an email or two apparently and let my domain expire. Thankfully, they gave me a second chance and I renewed it.

I'm not sure why I did, though. It's not like I ever blog anymore. I'm sure half the people that once read me have headed for the hills. There are a lot of bloggers I read daily who are long gone too.

The other problem is the spam on the comments. It's awful and I know munu isn't doing anything about it because they're now something new and I tried moving over to the new concept but it just never happened. (I'm sure I wasn't following directions but then again, I never do)

So....should I redirect my domain to a shiny new blogger account?
It would be weird but I've been using blogger for a book blog and it's pretty neato.
It's not like the old days where it went down more than a 2 dollar whore.

Well, 2009 is coming to a screeching halt. Some of us are glad it's over and ready for a new year to begin. Some of us are pretty ambivalent about it.
2009 wasn't horrible for me. It was horribly busy, though!

I find myself taking responsibility for others to the point that it zaps up ALL my time.
I can't say that I'm going to spend LESS time doing for others in 2010 because I can't deal with that kind of regret. Part of me thinks that's why we're on this planet help others.
Another part of me wants to just stay home and read books day in and day out.
(and maybe throw a little shopping in the mix)

So, yeah, 2009 wasn't a bad year. I found lots of joy in a lot of little things.
I have amazing dogs and a weird cat.
I have love in my life.
I have good friends.
I have a great mom and a few good sisters.
I have an amazing nephew here and one in heaven waiting on us.

I'm not making any resolutions. They never work. I do have a list of books that I RESOLVE to read this year but that doesn't count as a resolution, does it?

I do want to work on the fear. I have a fear that something is going to go terribly wrong. It's not debilitating but it keeps me from truly appreciating when something is going right because I'm constantly waiting for the shoe to fall (drop?).

Other than that, I'd just prefer life to be status quo. It's all good.

Happy New Year, kitty kats!

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